Certified Safety Mfg. 2017 ANTHOLOGY

SPORTS 138 137 Contents List on Pages 143-144 SPORTS K610-002 Sports Trauma - Bag K610-003 Team Trauma - Bag SO HERE IS MORE KNOWLEDGE PUNCTURE PROOF Built from a core of malleable aluminum sandwiched between two layers of closed-cell foam. Will not puncture under normal use. SAM® SPLINT 36” One of the most versatile tools in your first aid kit (after tape). It can be used to splint any part of the body. Plus it can be easily cleaned, rolled and reused. HOW DOES IT WORK? Even though the SAM® Splint is soft and flexible when it is molded into a simple curve it becomes remarkably rigid and strong enough to support any fractured or injured limb. It’s the same concept that allows skyscrapers and bridges to be built from thin I-beams and hollow columns instead of heavy steal pillars. ONLY NEEDS TAPE Tape or a wrap is used to secure the SAM® Splint in place. No other equipment is required. RADIOLUCENT Everyone loves big words. It means it’s almost invisible to x-rays so it doesn’t have to be removed during radiographs. EASILY CUT SAM® Splint can be easily cut with scissors in to smaller pieces for splinting smaller body parts like toes, fingers or wrist. 800.854.7474 Thank You for Your Business! certifiedsafetymfg.com