Certified Safety Mfg. 2017 ANTHOLOGY

800.854.7474 Thank You for Your Business! certifiedsafetymfg.com What would you do if your girlfriend’s dad told you that you weren’t “Successful Enough” to marry his daughter? If your name was Ed Gerson, you would take all of the money you saved during your stint in the Army and buy enough fire extinguishers to fill the trunk of your car. You’d sell all of them and then buy more. And you’d sell those. You’d do it again and again until you saved enough to open a one-room storefront. Then you’d make friends with Harry Truman’s banker and have him teach you how cash-flow and leverage works. Then you’d find a bigger storefront and then a bigger one. And you’d build a nice house for your wife…. She’d be your wife by now because you’d be audacious enough to marry her without the old man’s blessing… proving to your father-in-law that you’ve been worthy of his daughter all along. By that point you would be on to another mission altogether, because you have tasted success and enjoy the sale. You’d have people that work for you and count on you and you’d want them to taste success, too. Now you have more than just fire extinguishers, you’d have gloves, hard hats, maybe a shoe-mobile, and you’d have First Aid. The economy would rise and fall and you’d make money and lose money. Your children would work in the business; counting nickels from the pop machine, sweeping the floors and putting together first aid kits. Before you know it, you’re not just selling First Aid products, you’re making them, too. And you’re buying your own equipment and even a factory. Now products with your name on them are shipping to every major How We Arrived Let Us Show You city in the United States, to Russia, South America and the Middle East. You land big contracts with the government and your products are spec’d in with railroads, airlines, utilities and municipalities. You’re making the best products in the WORLD; you’re regulated by the FDA and the only US Manufacturer of First Aid. You DON’T go overseas to make your products because people count on you to provide the best, even though it costs you margin. You focus on your product quality. You innovate and entice the market to follow you. And you face tragedy and triumph and neither change your focus or your world view. And your children come to work for you again; this time running your company, molding your vision into theirs. They take you and your business to heights that you damned-well imagined, even if you never quite got there without them. Quicker than smoke leaves your pipe, it’s 60 years since you bought those extinguishers for resale. You’re gone now, but your business keeps growing; every year better than the last. Your daughter is running things like you would and the goal remains the same: to be “Successful Enough.” What did Ed Gerson do? He accepted a challenge, built his piece of the American Dream and didn’t rest on what it gave him. Certified Safety MFG carries on that vision, always rising to the challenge and persevering. The last 60 years have been good to us. We hope that you’ll join us for the next 60 and more…. Welcome to the Certified Safety Manufacturing 60th Anniversary Anthology. Over the course of the next 152 pages, you’ll be introduced to a variety of the highest quality First Aid offering in the world. That isn’t hyperbole, it’s truth. After all, we design and build our products, tip-to-tail, here in Kansas City, Missouri. Our facility is regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and that holds us to an extremely high standard; a standard that is compounded by American spirit and pride. Certified Pride. Up ahead, you’ll see First Aid Kits that are engineered for every occupation that you can imagine. You’ll see kits that meet the most recent ANSI standards and comply with all Federal OSHA guidelines. You’ll see kits for safety professionals and kits for the common consumer. You’ll see kits that take care of your children on virtually every school bus in this country and kits that are there for your spouses and loved ones on trucks, trains, airplanes, ships and jobsites all over the world. You’ll see kits that are brand new and kits that have sold through our network of distributors for the last 30-plus years. This anthology will run through a wide range of first aid supplies, as well. It offers old standbys of the industry and new cutting edge technology that looks past immediate relief and plans for the long-term treatment of an injury. It highlights ancillary products, also; everything from BloodBorne Pathogen clean-up and Heat Stress relief to Fire Blankets and CPRotectors. You’ll have questions. After all, as well as we’ve spelled things out, this can be heady stuff. If anything arises, don’t hesitate to call our award-winning customer service staff. They’ll help you through this book and anything outside it that you can come up with. We could go on and on about our company and tell you all about how great our line of products and service can be. But, again, we build our brand in Missouri. As Missourians, we know better than anyone that “frothy eloquence” does little good; We’ve got to Show You. Whether you’re a longtime customer or someone that is just discovering Certified Safety Manufacturing, we thank you for the opportunity to do so. “I come from a State that raises corn and cotton, cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I’m from Missouri and you have got to Show Me.” – Rep. Willard Duncan Vandiver, 1899.