Decorative Plumbing Distributors

PLUMBING 101 & 102 TRAINING OUR PROFESSIONALS YOUR EXPERT RESOURCE EAGER TO HELP YOU ur advantage—for you—is employing an expert staff with more than 80 years of plumbing experience. Our customer service representatives know and understand the ins-and-outs of the product lines we represent. We don’t simply take wholesale orders—we are value-added service providers. The DPD team can properly answer the questions you have, saving you time and money, not to mention not having to track down numerous contacts when comparing lines from different manufacturers. O Our team will ensure you receive regular updates regarding new products, specials, updated pricing and any pertinent industry news. We also offer training classes on the product lines we represent, as well as Plumbing 101 and Plumbing 102 classes to help your new showroom associates learn terminology and build their product knowledge.