Precision Technologies

your productivity partner Welcome to Precision Technologies, Inc. (PTI). Our business launched in 2006 to provide better applied metalworking solutions with new machinery and improved processes; including rebuild and retrofit of larger and special machinery. Our customer base is vast and includes aerospace, automotive, heavy industrial, energy, medical, petroleum, space, construction and defense among others. We follow the laws of the United States of America and the States where we do business. We partner with our customers and principals in promoting a culture of integrity through mutual respect and trust in each other’s standards of ethics. We set an example for one another, our customers and our principals by being fair and honest. We promptly disclose any and all conflicts of interest that might influence our business judgment and avoid any appearance of impropriety in our dealings with customers and principals. We hold each other accountable to this code, and if we become aware of potential violations, we promptly report them. OUR CODE OF CONDUCT With more than 250 years of combined experience, the PTI team is focused on solutions—not just standard machinery. Our ability to provide custom equipment that meets your specific application is our niche and helps establish the long-term relationship we aim to develop. PTI is committed to excellence from initial contact and design to installation and contact after implementation. We want to be your go-to partner in success. 423.887.5656 [email protected]