SRS Distribution - page 2-3
Our goal is to build the strongest
network of independent building
products distributors with the
industry’s most talented team of
people working together to deliver the
industry’s best products and services.
First and foremost, let me thank you for your interest
in SRS Distribution and welcome you to our family
of companies. As a potential customer, prospective
employee, or even perhaps an interested supplier,
your desire to learn more about our company is
greatly appreciated. It is our hope that the information
contained in this brochure is helpful to you as you
work toward that goal.
Additionally, to our current customers, employees and
suppliers—who have given so much to help us build
our company into the organization we are today—you
have our deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks.
Focusing on our company’s core values and driven by
our mission statement to “Make Money & Have Fun!,”
it is our goal and our pledge to be our industry’s most
preferred employer, supplier, and customer. Thank
you again and welcome to SRS Distribution!
—Ron Ross,
Chairman & CEO
A Dynamic Industry Leader
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